Game of Thrones Quiz
You Won’t be Able to Get 60% Right!!

The ultimate Game of Thrones quiz with 50 questions! How dare you call yourself a true Game of Thrones fan without proofing it here! Everyone under 45+ correct answers should leave and be ashamed of themselves! When you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or you die.
Welcome to the Game of Thrones world, where intrigue, betrayal, and epic battles reign supreme. This quiz will test your knowledge of the beloved television series and the iconic book series that inspired it.
Set in the mythical world of Westeros, Game of Thrones follows the intricate and often violent struggles for power among the noble families of the Seven Kingdoms. From the scheming Lannisters to the stoic Starks, each house has its unique history and motivations that drive their actions.
But the true heart of Game of Thrones lies in its characters, from the heroic Jon Snow to the cunning Cersei Lannister. Whether you root for the noble Daenerys Targaryen or the ruthless Tywin Lannister, each character is complex and fascinating in their own way.
This quiz will challenge you to recall key moments and details from the series, from the shocking Red Wedding to the fiery battle between Daenerys and the Night King. Do you have what it takes to claim the Iron Throne and emerge as the ultimate Game of Thrones expert?
Test your knowledge and relive the excitement of this epic series with our Game of Thrones quiz. Valar morghulis – all men must die, but will you survive this quiz?
This Quiz uses material from the GoT wiki at FANDOM and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
About Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is an American epic fantasy series on HBO’s US cable television channel. It is based on the book series ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ by George R. R. Martin. David Benioff and D. B. Weiss produced it. Although critics considered the series only a fantasy niche product, it earned much recognition and became a great success.
The story takes place in a fictional world and focuses on the events in Westeros, which consists of the Seven Kingdoms. Almost 300 years before the plot, Aegon the Conqueror united these independent kingdoms under his rule, primarily by force. Dragons also played an essential role in this process, although they would die out soon after that. Seventeen years before the plot’s beginning, the House Targaryen rule breaks down, and a civil war erupts. Robert Baratheon becomes the new king of Westeros thanks to his support. After his untimely demise, a battle for supremacy breaks out among the great houses: The War of the Five Kings.
The History of Westeros
Robert’s Rebellion
One of the first things that captivate about A Song of Ice and Fire saga (and it doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about the Game of Thrones series or the books it’s based on) is the rich backstory. Every fantasy series has its myths and legends, its skeletons in the closet, and its prophecies up its sleeve. These are consistently useful narrative strategies that can be used to advance the plot conveniently. Game of Thrones is no exception, but rarely does one have so much as the impression of experiencing only a snippet of a much larger story with the web of characters and narrative threads unfolding before one. By the time the plot becomes visible to the viewer, there’s been so much going on in the run-up (as one quickly begins to suspect) that author George R. R. Martin could easily fill three more heptalogies.
In many ways, the history of Westeros resembles, sometimes more, sometimes less, the history of England. In particular, the story’s timing has so many echoes of the era of the Wars of the Roses that it can’t be a coincidence but rather a deliberate allegory. Many things in the past of the seven kingdoms are ambiguous or vague. Not everything is self-explanatory, and sometimes you have to put two and two together yourself – and if you get eight, that may be the correct conclusion.
About children of the forest, first men and (V)andals
Westeros resembles real England in shape and form, and its historical development also parallels the United Kingdom. As with its role model, the population of Westeros is essentially made up of three ethnic groupings that settled the land in successive stages. Of the original inhabitants of Westeros, called ‘Children of the Forest,’ practically no one is left.
First Men
The ‘First Men’ came into the country about 12000 years before the beginning of the plot through the Sea of Dorne, the southernmost province of Westeros, and spread from there over the whole continent. The age in which that wave of colonization occurred is called the Dawn Age. The First Men brought their language to Westeros, known today as the ‘Old Tongue.’ The people of the Wildlings Beyond the Wall still speak this language today. Especially in the North, the influence of the First Men is still evident. Some of the oldest noble houses, including the Starks, trace their origins back to them.
The largest ethnicity in numbers, the Andals originated on the eastern continent, among the hills of Andalos. Their arrival heralds the end of the era of the ‘First Men’; they are pushed further and further north. The influence of the Andals shapes Westeros most clearly of all population groups. They introduce the religion with the largest following in Westeros: Faith of the ‘Seven.’ Also, the martial traditions they import are of great importance to the society shown at the time of the series: they bring chivalry to the land. Moreover, their language replaces the old one, and the ‘Common Tongue’ is still spoken throughout Westeros.
The smallest group is also the last one of importance for the Westeros gene pool. They also originated from Essos and were forced to flee to Westeros during a war. Their influence is felt almost exclusively in the country’s south, especially in Dorne, where they assimilated peacefully with the rest of the population.
The face of the continent of Westeros changes drastically with the arrival of an extraordinary family. Appearance: the Targaryens.
About 300 years before the action of Game of Thrones begins, the then-head of that house, Aegon, conquers the country. When he arrives, the seven kingdoms in Westeros are still autonomous states, each with its own sovereign at the head. One by one, the ‘seven kingdoms’ become victims of Aegon Targaryen’s imperial ambition. In his campaign, Aegon, later called ‘the Conqueror,’ manages without a large army. Instead, he uses a ‘weapon’ that is now considered extinct: dragons.
With their three ‘pet’ dragons, he and his two sisters subjugate first the Westerlands and then the rest. Most of the remaining kings, among them Torrhen Stark, the last king of the North, realize that they have no chance of success against this air force and voluntarily bend the knee. Consequently, Aegon’s conquest is not exclusively a bloody battle; some regions fall more quietly than others. After its conclusion, only Dorne, located in the far south, remains self-sufficient and is not conquered until some 150 years later under another Targaryen king.
The year of Aegon’s landing in Westeros is also the year zero of the currently valid calendar of the country. There, where he reached the land with his ships, he built a fortress, around which a flourishing metropolis soon arose – King’s Landing. From the swords of those he subjugated, he forges the Iron Throne.
For the next three hundred years, the land is under the rule of the Targaryen dynasty. It produces prudent, capable rulers as often as mad dictators. To keep their heritage as pure as possible, Targaryen kings are wont to marry their sisters – a custom started by Aegon the First, who took both of his sisters as wives and also fathered a son with each. The following generations continued this trend of incestuous polygamy, marrying out only when no suitable female relative was available. The dragons, symbols, and identifying elements of the family die out over time.
The reign of the Dragon Kings ends with the death of Aerys II Targaryen, called the Mad King, and the coming to power of House Baratheon.
The kidnapping of Eddard’s sister Lyanna marks the beginning of a conflict with far-reaching consequences. It sets off a chain reaction that culminates in a civil war and ultimately brings about the downfall of the Targaryen dynasty. Eddard Stark, second youngest son of Lord Rickard Stark, and Robert, heir to House Baratheon, have been close friends since childhood. The strong bonds between the two families are to be further strengthened by the marriage between Robert and Lord Rickard’s only daughter, Lyanna.
During a tournament on the grounds of Harrenhal, Lyanna arouses the interest of the then Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Shortly after that, the Stark daughter is kidnapped by this same prince, but the exact circumstances are extremely mysterious – whether she went with him of her own free will or was forced, where the two of them went, and what the motives of those involved were in detail is unclear. In response to this scandal, Lord Rickard Stark and his eldest son Brandon, newly engaged to Lord Tully’s daughter Catelyn, set out for King’s Landing. They demand that King Aerys bring his hormonally derailed son to his senses and promptly return their prodigal daughter to Winterfell.
With Aerys the Second, a monarch sits on the throne these days, as he could not have been worse for the kingdom’s interests: paranoid, cruel, and addicted to madness. Lord Stark’s demand, which is objectively quite understandable, catches Aerys entirely on the wrong foot. Enraged at having been offended by his vassal, he responds with extreme cruelty: Rickard and Brandon die in the throne room of his fortress. Lord Stark is roasted over a fire in his armor while his son, his head in a sling, strangles himself, trying to come to his aid.
Aerys quickly realizes that he has incurred the displeasure of two of the largest houses in his kingdom. He sends a message to Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie. Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark become lords of House Stark overnight, are both Jon’s wards, and are in his custody. Aerys demands both their heads from Jon Arryn. The latter refuses to betray his proteges: instead, he calls his people to arms. Robert and Eddard return to their respective homes for a short time to mobilize their forces. During that brief stay at Winterfell, Eddard marries his late brother’s fiancée Catelyn Tully in his brother’s stead, as custom dictates.
With this, the three rebels also have most feudal lords from the Riverlands on their side. A series of battles with varying outcomes for the two parties follow. For a year, the civil war rages through the country until the decisive battle occurs at the Trident River branch, in which Robert slays Prince Rhaegar. With the loss of their figure of identification, the resistance of the Crown loyalists collapses almost instantly after that.
The final scene of the conflict is the capital. Now House Lannister enters the stage of events. The king’s right-hand man, Lord Tywin, uncertain about the outcome of the civil war, had so far held back with a clear commitment to one side. Now that the matter seems decided, he feels compelled to act. Pledging allegiance to him, he gets King Aerys to open the city’s gates to him and his troops – and immediately begins looting the town.
Meanwhile, his eldest son Jaime, the youngest member of the Kingsguard, makes a momentous decision that will haunt him forever. He stabs the mad king, which was not worthy of the throne in his eyes, making way for a new king. A cruel massacre occurs in another part of the castle: Rhaegar’s widow, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, and her two children, Rhaenys and Aegon, fall victim to the bloodlust of Gregor Clegane, loyal to the Lannisters. When Eddard arrives on the scene, it’s all over: he finds the bodies of the children and the princesses laid out in the throne hall, and on the throne itself, Jaime, from now on called ‘Kingslayer.’
After the climax of Robert’s rebellion, Eddard sets out to learn his sister’s whereabouts. He eventually finds Lyanna in a tower in Dorne, where she is guarded by three knights loyal to Rhaegar. Eddard and his men defeat the knights loyal to the king after a fierce battle. In the tower itself, Ned finds a dying Lyanna, who extracts a promise from him – Aegon Targaryen, whom Ned Stark adopts into his family as Jon Snow, is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna born out of love.
Following these events, House Targaryen is finally wiped off the map of Westeros: nearly all remaining family members are killed except Rhaegar’s younger siblings, Viserys and the newly born Daenerys. They are taken out of the country and begin their lives in exile. Robert is crowned king, and Jon Arryn assumes the dignities of his right-hand man. The new king marries Cersei Lannister in place of the deceased Lyanna, as closer ties to the wealthy and influential House Lannister are the most reasonable alliance at this point.